A Warm Fridge is a Highway to the Danger Zone.
Date: March 2023
Author: Laura Dodwell-Groves
Do you know the temperature of your fridge? For most of you, I wouldn’t be surprised if it lives at the 4°C mark. Seems chilly, right? Keeping your fridge colder is one of the best ways to reduce food waste and keep your families healthier.
There are some weird and wonderful bacteria out there, and most of them are harmless to us. But then there are some mean ones like salmonella that like to live in raw meat and eggs.
4-60°C is the temperature range that makes bacteria happy. You are inviting yourself to a bacteria orgy the longer your food lives in this zone.
You can kill most bacteria by cooking/heating (temperatures over 70°C).
But until you cook it, you should keep it cool. When cool, they get a bit lethargic and inactive and so won’t be multiplying. Easier to kill off the less there are.
Keep cool
It’s not just the bacteria. Food keeps better and for longer in the cold. As inflation bites the bottom dollar for many of us in the supermarket isle, it becomes more important to not waste what we do buy.
Many meats like turkey can actually be frozen indefinitely (though we recommend for up to a year for best taste quality).
How cool?
At 4°C your fridge could be flirting with trouble.
Because what happens every time you open your fridge, or you put in a warm item inside? The temperature will rise before it is able to adjust back down to 4°C.
So how cold should your fridge be? Mine lives at 0-1°C.
Your freezer is probably a bit warm too. Should be at -18°C.
Ways to help your fridge.
- Make sure it is closing properly (check seals)
- Let cooked food cool for a while before putting it in the fridge (couple hours)
- Don’t open the door for too long (think about what you want before you go in there, or get one with the annoying beepy sound that tells you it doesn’t want to be open)
- It likes being quite full (80% or so, not so full it cant circulate air properly)
- Label as much as you can, and keep your fridge organised if you can so not to lose things.